Friday, June 13, 2014

Summer Bridge Program for New Deaf Students 2014

Goals of the SBP:

After completing the SBP, new Deaf students will:
1.    Know ANHS high school life, Deaf and Hearing culture, and school policies of La Salle Green Hills Adult Night High School;
2.    Learn the history of La Salle Green Hills, Adult Night High School, Program for Deaf Learners and the Filipino Deaf
3.    Manage time wisely in a mainstream class setting;
4.    Improve Filipino Sign Language skills.

The PDL Summer Bridge Program is designed to provide new high school Deaf students with an academic experience that will ease their transition from elementary to high school.

Claire leading her classmates in praying

Mr. Que facilitating the Summer Bridge Program for New Deaf Students

Allen clarifying information from the Moderator

Jason, Deaf student, shared some ideas with a new Deaf student Rio
When attending summer classes, it is important to remember that high school-level courses are different from elementary classes. Class expectations, pace of learning, class size, testing, as well as a student’s relationship with teachers, staff and sign language interpreters, may be quite different from what s/he is accustomed to. The goal is to accept the changes and develop strategies for success.

Our volunteers (l) Mariel, Jashua, Joshua and Aldwin

Hermogenes (alumna) teaching family signs

As an awardee Hermogenes explains how student life is in the ANHS to all new Deaf students

Attentively listening to the sharing of Deaf senior students

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Instructional Accessibility in Teaching Deaf Students Seminar

1. Identify the education needs of the Deaf students to make quality lessons accessible for the Deaf;
2. Cite ways of collaborating for instructional accessibility;
3. Give example of Rights-Based activities in reading that will result to better achievements.

Mr. Dayrit giving an opening remarks of how our mainstreamed school is now the choice of many Deaf students

   The training hopes to produce a creative interaction between teachers and SLIs regarding the instructional accessibility of a sample lesson wherein most Deaf students have difficulty learning. The training is ideal for consultation approach between teachers and SLIs ensuring that difficult subject concepts are conveyed appropriately. As an educational unit, working in isolation prevents us from exploring other means of providing the best educational opportunity for our students. It is also hoped that this session will not end after the allotted time frame and will become a continuous means of collaboration between SLIs and teachers of how an ideal mainstreamed school should be.